Did you hear him leave? I fell asleep & when I woke he was gone. My mom would say that you can't trust a man who moves around too quietly. He wants his presence to pass unnoticed because he's up to the devil's work. The morning's almost over, isn't it? She leaned against the door way, heels dangling from her thumbs. Make-up from the day before caked around the corners of her eyes. She knew the morning was done, but it was as if she couldn't accept it on her own. She needed him to acknowledge it with her. Help carry the weight of an already wasted day. I don't wanna go to the gallery, she said. Every day the director tries a different tactic to get me in bed. I don't even know what he's doing until after he saunters off. Like he's slowly wearing me down, one subtle gesture at a time until I become too weak to resist him. Both he & I know that it's a matter of time. She went into the bathroom & brushed her teeth. He boiled some water for coffee & rolled a cigarette while she rushed around the apartment gathering up all the things she had left over there in the last few weeks. She put them in a bag & stood beyond the door of the kitchen. I don't wanna play games, she said, I don't care who wins or loses, who's destroyed & who's ready to strike again after it's all over. You're making Stefan out to be more clever than he actually is, he said. As if he's taking a tally of all the women he's thrown away after he's done with them. He doesn't even know what he's doing. He met some bartender in Seattle when he was traveling around the States playing tennis tournaments. They kept in contact for the next few years, visiting each other as much as they could. But he couldn't believe she was that perfect & he got curious & started fishing around & found out she had been fucking all the guys she worked with & some of the regulars too. Of course after he discovered this, he fell in love with her even more, told her that he couldn't live without her. She said she would stop & things were good until she started fucking around again this time right under his nose & he kinda lost it & broke off contact with her. Every girl since then has been American. It may sound stupid, but I don't think he's even aware of it. They fall for him, he keeps them around awhile, then gets rid of them, trying to smother the pain left over.
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